It Started Out A Good Day

So my cousin had her second baby yesterday. Technically it was yesterday since it’s after midnight. He came almost 3 weeks early. He doesn’t have a name yet so I’m calling him Lil Smoosh, and even after he gets a name I might still call him that for a while until he’s not so smooshy.

Anyway, considering the fact that he arrived early, he was a good weight (8lbs, 13oz) and didn’t look like he had any jaundice like his big brother did at birth. Of course GusGus also had potential cardiac issues, so we were all on high alert. This time around, there was no drama. No need for a heart specialist to be called in, no trips to the NICU for Lil Smoosh.

I got to meet him the day he was born, which is pretty incredible. Props to his mama for not minding visitors. We didn’t stay for too long. It was a big day, after all, and she was pretty exhausted. Not to mention, she wants to spend time cuddling her baby. Totally fair. If it was me, I probably wouldn’t let anyone come and visit for like the first week. She’s a lot nicer than I am, obviously.

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